Samsung has apparently left no spec behind in its Galaxy S20 Ultra phone, iFixit said in its teardown of the device. The phone features 128GB flash storage, a Snapdragon 865 processor and 6.9" Quad HD+ Dynamic AMOLED Infinity-O Display. It also has quite an array of cameras, including a 12-megapixel ultrawide camera, a 108-megapixel wide-angle camera, a 48-megapixel telephoto camera and a 40-megapixel selfie camera.
"Now we know what happened to the S11 through S19: This phone ate them," iFixit remarked. "It's a monster."
The inside of the phone apparently looks quite similar to the Note10+ 5G, except the space for the stylus is used to house more battery. The main board is loaded with cameras, millimeter-wave hardware and extra board layers.
The sensor on the 108-megapixel wide-angle camera covers around double the surface area of the iPhone 11 Pro's 12-megapixel primary sensor, iFixit says.
Given all the specs packed into the Galaxy S20 Ultra, it's no surprise that iFixit gave the device a repairability score of 3 out of 10, with 10 being the easiest to repair.
"Unfortunately, Samsung isn't pushing any boundaries repair-wise, as evidenced by this phone's repairability score," iFixit writes.
2020-03-06 06:45:01Z
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