Phone model:
I just got a new iPhone 11. My old 6 was in great shape for three years, and then it died suddenly.
Number of contacts in phone:
About 60. I mostly contact people through texts, DMs, Skype and FaceTime.
Times when you try to stay off your phone:
Social media drives me nuts, so I usually just put the phone away and play my guitar.
Most-recent Uber ride:
From [L.A. restaurant] Button Mash in Echo Park to my hotel. It was about 30 minutes, and the charge went to my dad’s credit card.

Most-listened-to music:
Service-wise it’s Spotify, and the artists are Twin Peaks, Pup and the Nude Party.
Lock-screen photo:
Me and my [ex-]bandmate Malcolm Craig at our first punk show. Our parents took us when we were 12.
Favorite Instagram feeds:
A lot of retro guitar and skateboarding feeds, plus my favorite bands and musicians.
Favorite podcast:
The H3 Podcast and Jake Hurwitz and Amir Blumenfeld’s If I Were You. They’re entertaining, and I’ve been listening to and/or watching them forever.
Your own favorite Instagram photo:
Anything I took on 35mm film.
Voicemail greeting:
“Leave a message (cough, cough, cough)!”
News source:
The Globe and Mail.
Your most-retweeted tweet:
It involved a red carpet and my saying that I almost dressed like SpongeBob but in drag.
Favorite ringtone:
It’s Star Wars related.
People you FaceTime most:
My writing partner, Billy Bryk, or my friends Maggie [Geeslin] and Grace [Repasky] from the band Lunar Vacation.
Craziest place you’ve lost your phone:
The bottom of my friend’s neighbor’s pool.
App you wish someone would invent:
Star Trek transporter to anywhere on earth.
Biggest time-wasting app:
Most-watched entertainment app:
Favorite food app:
Uber Eats.
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2019-12-12 13:38:00Z
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