, Jakarta - Lini masa Twitter dibanjiri oleh berbagai ucapan dukacita atas wafatnya Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie atau BJ Habibie.
Presiden ke-3 Republik Indonesia ini meninggal dunia dalam usia 83 tahun, pada pukul 18.05 WIB, Rabu 11 September 2019.
Kabar duka inipun langsung mendapatkan reaksi yang luar biasa dari warganet. Alhasil, keyword terkait BJ Habibie pun memuncaki lini masa microblogging tersebut.
Adapun keyword yang terkait, termasuk Pak Habibie, BJ Habibie, Innalillahi, Ibu Ainun, Rest In Peace, dan Eyang masuk ke dalam sepuluh besar trending topic di Indonesia.
Berikut ini adalah rangkuman ucapan belasungkawa dan duka cita dari warganet tentang kepergian BJ Habibie.
Rest in Peace Pak Habibie, truly one of Indonesia’s brightest mind.#bjhabibie
— TULUS (@sinta27Hutasoit) September 11, 2019
Innalillahi Wainnaillahi Rojiun. Thank you for your contributions, inspirations, and spirits to develop our nation. We can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done to Indonesia. Sending my deepest condolences, Selamat Jalan Pak Habibie.
— 🦖 owa// hendery’s handholder (@brillantefullsn) September 11, 2019
thank you, Pak Habibie.Rest in Peace🥀
— calon juragan lele (@pradumbna) September 11, 2019
"You are the most stubborn person that I ever know. But if I have to repeat my life again, I'd still choose you. -Ibu Ainun to Pak Habibie- 😢😢😢😢😢#SelamatJalanPakHabibie #
— LOBEU CEMUNGUDH~~ (@baekmuang) September 11, 2019
Selamat jalan Pak Habibie, one of the greatest hero at this country 🖤
— amanda 🐳 (@buubbleee_) September 11, 2019
Rest in Peace Pak BJ Habibie
#SelamatJalanHabibie We lost a great statesman, world class scientist and technocrate. Mudah-mudahan pak Habibie husnul khotimah.
— Triwibowo Yuwono (@Tyuwono) September 11, 2019
rest in peace. may you fly higher to the great beyond, pak habibie✨
— 🕊️ (@l4vieenrose) September 11, 2019
My deepest condolences to this nation for losing their brightest engineer ever.Pak Habibie is a legend, breaking through to a very different level of knowledge embodiment. He will always be one of my most respected figure ever.Selamat jalan Bapak Bangsa.#BJHabibie
— ダニちゃん (@notforsellatall) September 11, 2019

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