It’s not my intention to ruin anyone’s carefully crafted business model, especially not that of such a widely esteemed company as Verizon, but I turned off my mobile phone and have yet to turn it back on.
I hit the off switch Thursday night and don't plan on re-entering that world until Monday morning. It's sitting on the floor beside my bed next to an electrical outlet taking a rest from informing me of who's called, what people are saying on Twitter, the intraday price chart of Uber and other ridiculous phenomena. I figure anyone who's called me during this period will be fine with a returned call Monday morning after I turned the stupid thing back on. If anyone I know has died, their relatives or friends can contact me via email since I'll still be looking at the gmail on my laptop -- just no mobile phone, only to see what it's like.
I decided to put the thing down last week after seeing at least 6 people walking down Boulder’s Pearl Street Mall with mobile phone in hand, staring intently at tiny screens and a few of them speaking to the device. It’s springtime, finally, here in Colorado and the flowers are blooming all up and down the mall. The city imports 15,000 tulip bulbs from Holland and right now they are all blooming spectacularly in red, blue, yellow mixtures from dozens of beds along the sidewalk. I noticed that those with mobile phones in hand were missing one of the joys of spring around here and I realized that I’d been missing some of it as well.
It’s more than just that, of course, but that was the trigger. This is addiction, walking under the influence of technology. I had noticed the amount of time others at restaurants, at coffee shops, in libraries were holding the device in their hand, up to their face and ignoring or missing out on what might be going on around them. Over the winter, I think I just let it go and usually joined the crowd, staring at the device, waiting to see if anyone had contacted me or if I’d missed some trivial message. When it was cold and the weather was heavy, I didn’t think too much about the addictive quality. It’s scarily comforting in a way.
Now, with the tulips blooming up and down the sidewalk and the green buds coming out on the trees, I’ve become disgusted with myself for spending more time on my mobile phone than taking in the beauty around here. And seeing so many addicted to their devices failing to appreciate that spring time is unfolding so grandly if only they could look away for a moment and take it in.
There should be a government entity known as The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Mobile Phone Addiction. You know, as long as we're regulating the most dangerous stuff on the planet.
I checked the price chart for Verizon to see if my turning off their service on Friday had affected the stock. The telecom services firm closed up .75% so I’m happy it hasn’t affected them. Here's how it looked despite my actions:
Verizon daily price chart.
stockcharts.comI do not hold positions in these investments. No recommendations are made one way or the other. If you're an investor, you'd want to look much deeper into each of these situations. You can lose money trading or investing in stocks and other instruments. Always do your own independent research, due diligence and seek professional advice from a licensed investment advisor.
2019-05-12 16:49:00Z
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